2D Animation
Wildflower Visual Poem

A short 2D animation of a field of wildflowers and various flying creatures as the sun sets in the background. Illustrations were made in Adobe Illustrator and then animated in Adobe After Effects. (2020)

Data Entry: Portal - Simple Animated logo renderings
These are two simple 2D animated logo concepts for the in-progress video game Data Entry: Portal which is being developed by the CMDC program at WSU Vancouver. Logo was created in Adobe Illustrator and animations were done in Adobe After Effects. (2023)
The Weather Channel Animated Logo (Mock)

A re-imagined intro to The Weather Channel's broadcast introduction. Illustration and text created in Adobe Illustrator and animated in Adobe After Effects. (2021)

3D Animation
Rats to Riches
Low-poly buildings, birds eye view
Low-poly buildings, birds eye view
Low-poly clutter
Low-poly clutter
Rat and clutter models
Rat and clutter models
A low-poly environment 3D animation about a rat winning the lottery after encountering challenges doing a mundane daily activity and showing empathy along its journey. I was the sole environment modeler, texturing most of the models, and animating the introduction scene. Modeled, textured, and animated in Maya, video edited in Adobe Premiere Pro. (2022)
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